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사이트명 | 주소 |
국가임상시험산업단(KoNECT) | https://www.konect.or.kr/ |
국가과학기술지식정보서비스(NTIS) | https://www.ntis.go.kr/ThMain.do |
국가생명윤리정책원 | https://www.nibp.kr:5002/xe/ |
국립보건연구원 | http://www.nih.go.kr/NIH_NEW/main.jsp |
기관생명윤리위원회 정보포털 | http://irb.or.kr/ |
대한기관윤리심의기구협의회(KAIRB) | https://www.kairb.org/ |
보건복지부 | http://www.mohw.go.kr/react/index.jsp |
식품의약품안전처(MFDS) | http://www.mfds.go.kr/index.do |
온라인 의약 도서관 | http://drug.mfds.go.kr/html/index.jsp# |
의약품-화장품 전자민원창구 | https://ezdrug.mfds.go.kr/ |
임상연구정보서비스(Clinical Research Information Service, CRIS) | https://cris.nih.go.kr/cris/use_guide/cris_introduce.jsp |
질병관리본부 | http://www.cdc.go.kr/CDC/main.jsp |
한국보건산업진흥원 | https://www.khidi.or.kr/kps |
사이트명 | 주소 |
Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Program (AAHRPP) | http://www.aahrpp.org/ |
ClinicalTrials.gov | https://clinicaltrials.gov/ |
U S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) | https://www.fda.gov/ |
The International Council for Harmonization (ICH) | http://www.ich.org/home.html |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | https://www.nih.gov/ |
U S Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) | https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/ |
PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY IN MEDICINE AND RESEARCH (PRIM&R) | https://www.primr.org/Default.aspx |
Western IRB (WIRB) | https://www.wirb.com/Pages/default.aspx |
World Health Organization (WHO) | http://www.who.int/en/ |
EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY (EMA) | http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema |